There are two potential problems with putting up the bee house early.
- Predators- the more time the bee house is put up the more likely something or someone will find it to good to pass up. Protective measures can be done like adding wire mesh to the front of the holes and putting the house in a protected location. (For other ways to manage pests click here.)
- Early emergence and frost. Solitary bees are temperature sensitive. Consistent temperatures signal to developing bees when to develop, hibernate and emerge. Different species of bees have different temperature signals. For example, Blue Orchard Mason Bees (early spring time bees) emerge when day time temperatures are consistently 50-55* F. Where as, Alfalfa Leafcutter Bees (summer time bees) emerge when day time temperatures reach a consistent 70*F.
If there is an abnormal warm spell followed by a frost it can kill the emerged bees.